Airbnb and Vacation Rental

What is included in an Arbnb Vacation Rental and/or Cleaning?

  • Kitchen
    Keep closets clean and organized; Clean countertops, sinks and cabinets; Clean the face of home appliances; Clean the stove inside and out; Microwaves in and out; Vacuum and mop floors; Fridge inside and out; Take out the garbage.
  • Bedrooms and Living Room
    Reposition furniture as needed for vacuuming and return it to the right place; dust from top to bottom; ceiling fan cleaning; Bed and bath linen properly washed and folded indoors; vacuum and scrub.
  • Bathrooms
    Baths, showers, sinks and toilets, cleaned, disinfected and cleaned; Clean and shiny faucets; Clean vanity countertop; clean mirrors; Clean cabinets inside and out; Vacuum and mop floors; The windows and glass doors (inside).
  • External Area
    Cleaning tables and surroundings of the pool and seating area; Grill cleaning; Glass doors.